
Why a healthy building makes all the difference 

We increasingly focus on healthy workspaces and buildings, in which the emphasis is on employees’ comfort and good health. We aim to ensure that employees feel good in a healthy work environment, which will in turn result in increased productivity and improved performance.

Volantis takes these principles seriously. We make workspaces more comfortable and design buildings that promote employees’ well-being. Our strategy incorporates aspects such as air quality, temperature, natural light and sound control.

Real comfort, don’t just treat the symptoms 

What is or isn’t comfortable to a person is highly personal. What might be a pleasant temperature, or an agreeable amount of sunlight, or the right level of ventilation and acoustics, to you, may well be quite unpleasant to others.

When people complain about being uncomfortable – for instance, because it is too warm or too cold in a building, or because the air is too dry – Volantis really digs into the problem. We take a holistic approach to problem-solving. We listen and observe, and we ask many questions, and then we tackle the core of the issue.

Some of our solutions are technical, while others are very practical. Many of them are surprisingly different from what the client initially expected. This is because the discomforts people experience – such as heat, cold or dry air – are seldom the real issue. For instance, a thorough analysis may show that the façade is insufficiently insulated, or that the equipment and the space or building it is in do not work well together. When people are experiencing dry eyes, the cause is often hygiene-related.

The WELL-being of a building

In a WELL-building it is all about people  

For organizations that prioritize the well-being of their employees, an integrated approach to health in buildings is crucial. The WELL certification provides the right framework for this. This global accreditation ensures a work environment that enhances employees’ health, motivation, and productivity. WELL-certified buildings have demonstrably lower staff turnover and absenteeism.

The WELL certification process includes ten scientifically-backed aspects that improve health in buildings: air, water, nutrition, light, movement, thermal comfort, sound, materials, mental health, and social health. Together with the client, we set ambitious goals and guide the entire certification process from start to finish.

Jeroen Verberne


Bart Brankaert


Marlou Kellenaers


Bas Peeters



Volantis has developed a tool of its own: Insights. It is a useful tool for housing associations, healthcare institutions that own property and manufacturing companies – basically, everyone who owns property. A client portal provides access to, inter alia, data that are relevant if one wishes to get a better understanding of health and comfort in buildings.