Volantis understands that in a world that is in constant flux, it is vital that you check regularly whether your organisation’s property portfolio and work environment are still in line with your organisation’s ambitions. Discover how our experts can help you make well-informed decisions on a sustainable and future-proof work environment.
Housing strategy
It is vital, in this context, to look at the sustainability and health aspects of the buildings, as well, and at their impact on your organisation’s ability to attract and retain staff.
If you are active in the manufacturing industry, you may intend to start producing different products, for which your current production facility is unsuited. Or maybe you are a healthcare provider and believe that the nature of the services you provide will change over the years, causing you to have to provide different types of care, for which your current location is unsuited. Several different factors must be considered in the decision as to whether to move to a different building, renovate your current building, erect a new building or making a existing building more sustainable. A proper housing strategy will give you more clarity as to what to do with your property portfolio in the long term. Volantis’ experts can help you draw up such a strategy, from start to finish.
Strategic real estate plan
A Strategic Real Estate Plan comprises a thorough inventory and analysis of various aspects, such as the amount of space you will need in the future and an expert’s assessment of the construction aspects of your existing buildings.
This process involves an analysis of the client’s ambitions and future activities, whose results are then used to determine how much space is needed, and what kind of space. After that, an analysis is performed to determine if the current sites and buildings can meet these needs, and if so, how, always taking into account the investments to be made and whether the expenditure on housing is covered by the client’s budget. Sustainability is one of the key aspects in this process. Where necessary, the municipality’s area development plans are examined, as well as the opportunities they may afford. Having analysed all these matters, we will present the client with certain choices, which will help them arrive at the best possible solution in a feasible business case.
Our experts housing strategy

Jan Houwen

Eric Schellevis
Flexible buildings
Volantis provides advice on these strategic considerations. We offer expertise in business management, finance, and technical innovation. In particular, we can make a significant contribution in the healthcare sector. With our extensive experience in developing healthcare facilities, we understand what residents, patients, and healthcare providers find desirable and necessary.
This enables us to offer valuable insights into the impact of various considerations on the people who use these buildings, whether the discussion revolves around new construction or renovation.
Volantis inspires and advises on smart, future-oriented building and renovation.