WELL certification

In a WELL-building it is all about people

We increasingly focus on healthy workspaces and buildings, in which the emphasis is on the users’ comfort and good health. We aim to ensure that employees feel good in a healthy work environment, which will in turn result in increased productivity and improved performance.

Volantis has its own approach to buildings, underpinned by extensive expertise and experience. We understand that a building’s success is determined by the success stories generated in said building. This is how new perspectives are born that benefit people, buildings, processes and the environment. If we  believe that we can do it, we will succeed in innovating the world together. Volantis creates comfortable and healthy buildings, in which your employees will feel good and perform better.

There is scientific evidence that healthy buildings result in improved performance. The International WELL Building Institute developed its WELL Building Standard on the basis of extensive scientific research. Why would anyone opt for an acceptable building that does not make you quite so sick if they can opt for a building that actually improves your health?

WELL-certification for the best possible work environment

It is crucial that organisations that put a great premium on the well-being of their employees take an integral approach to good health in their buildings. The WELL certification procedure provides them with the right guidelines for doing so. This worldwide accreditation scheme guarantees that certified companies provide a work environment that promotes employees’ health, motivation and productivity. Staff turnover and sickness absence rates are demonstrably lower in WELL-certified buildings than in other buildings. WELL principles can be applied to all sorts of buildings, such as schools, homes, hospitals and libraries.

WELL is an evidence-based certification programme focusing on  ten construction themes that benefit people’s health:

  • Air;
  • Water;
  • Nourishment;
  • Light;
  • Movement;
  • Thermal comfort;
  • Sound;
  • Materials;
  • Mind;
  • Community.

Volantis draws up the client’s ambitions and objectives to be attained in consultation with the client, and provides guidance throughout the certification procedure.

Dare to consider the long term

The measurable results are highly useful to the company that uses or owns the building. Reduced sickness absence rates and increased productivity will benefit companies in the long run. Moreover, having a building that is demonstrably healthy will help you attract talented new employees. Potential employees are increasingly likely to consider the working conditions and environment in which they will end up. They, too, focus on health and well-being. They prefer a pleasant and attractive work environment to a building with dated amenities.

‘The measurable results of a healthy building are unmistakeable.  The results are so significant that the outlay is relatively insignificant — you will get a return on that investment in no time. It’s all about daring to consider the long term.’ 

How buildings can impact our health

Volantis advises, supports and guides 

Each theme comes with many specific requirements that must be met in order for a building to be awarded WELL certification. Our specially trained consultants, who are called ‘WELL-accreditated professionals’, are certified to supervise these procedures and issue recommendations. The procedure touches on nearly all aspects of a building AND every component of the organisation that will be using it . Volantis has a large in-house team of specialists that can help you address the various themes. This means that our WELL-accredited professionals are able to switch gears quickly and have all the specialist knowledge required at their fingertips. They supervise and monitor the process from the early design stage and check afterwards whether the building meets the requirements for certification.

Integral approach

Volantis takes an integral approach to the assignments it accepts: all components are included in the process. In this regard it is very similar to the WELL building standard. We design healthcare facilities with great physical environments for both residents and staff to live and work in. Our healthcare facility architects specifically design the building for its users, by asking them what they need. One great example of this is Domi Curae. This is an innovative concept for organisations that provide intramural care constant in-patient care – to elderly people. They are ambiance-based healthcare facilities that can be built in a sustainable manner in a brief amount of time and at a reduced budget, but still boast great quality.

Wish to learn more about WELL certification? Our consultants will be happy to answer all your questions.

Contact us

Marlou Kellenaers
WELL AP certified